
Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways

On Annie's Menu - With a delicious base of mashed chickpeas, fresh herbs, and all the flavors, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways take your traditional toast above and beyond!

With a delicious base of mashed chickpeas, fresh herbs, and all the flavors, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways take your traditional toast above and beyond!

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I’m always on the hunt for a good lunch recipe. Yes, salads are delicious. And, yes, bowls and sandwiches are great too. I even like to go with breakfast for lunch sometimes. That being said, recently I’ve been finding myself in a bit of a lunch rut, if you know what I mean. Everything sounds just okay, but none of my classic lunchtime options really scream “amazing.” Still, I’m not really the type to whip up a Michelin star meal for my everyday lunch (if that’s you, you’re winning at life). That’s where meals like this Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways are true life savors. Simple, delicious, and extremely versatile, these fancied up toasts (hence the fancy French name ~tartine~) make for the perfect midday pick me up. You have to give them a try!

The breakdown…

These Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways could not be simpler. Start off my whipping up that quick mashed chickpea salad base, then go in with your desired toppings! Although the topping combinations are delicious, the real star of the show is the mashed chickpea salad itself. The key is to start off by lightly mashing your chickpeas. This can be done with the back of a fork, or even something as hardcore as a potato or avocado masher. But, just make sure you don’t go overboard with the mashing — you still want some of the chickpeas to hold their shape. 

Once you have some quick smashed chickpeas, it’s time to add in all the flavors! This Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways recipe calls for both fresh basil and fresh parsley. Fresh herbs are my favorite way to shoot this chickpea salad with flavor, especially because they also add a nice bite of greenery. Still, you could totally go with dried herbs, if you can’t access the fresh ones. Moreover, you could also substitute the herbs for any other herbs of choice. I like the fresh and subtle combo of basil and parsley, but mint or chives would also be delicious. I would steer clear of oregano or cilantro, as those would bring a different flavor to the dish. But, really, go with what you love!

bring on the flavor!

With those herbs, mix some lemon juice, parmesan, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes (as desired) to your chickpea salad. The lemon and dijon brings in some much needed acidity and tartness, while the parmesan adds in a punch of creaminess and flavor. With the smoothness from the parmesan, there’s really no need to add in any mayonnaise or greek yogurt to this chickpea salad — it’s delicious as is! Plus, if you wanted to make this vegan, you could totally substitute the parmesan for some nutritional yeast. Both are delicious! 

With a delicious base of mashed chickpeas, fresh herbs, and all the flavors, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways take your traditional toast above and beyond!


And, if you want an extra boost of smoothness, go ahead and add tahini! If you aren’t familiar with tahini, it’s a ground sesame seed paste that’s absolutely delicious — kind of like a stronger, more potent hummus. I love the taste of tahini. Tahini does have a strong taste, however, so I left it optional in this recipe (plus, it’s not worth buying a whole bottle for just 1-2 tbsp!!) Although I think the flavor of the tahini is amazing, it’s real benefit here is its creamy consistency. This addition takes the chickpea salad to a whole other level of smoothness, which I love. That being said, if you wanted a smoother chickpea salad but aren’t a fan of tahini, 1-2 tbsp of hummus or baba ganoush would be delicious in this recipe. Still, this is totally optional… so go with your preference!

After your base is good to go, it’s time to decide which flavor combo you want to go with. This Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways includes recipes for a Simple Shallot Tartine, a Greek Goddess Tartine, and an Avocado Arugula Tartine. Honestly, all three of these options are absolutely to-die-for…like I seriously can’t choose a favorite!! Read through all the recipes and pick your favorite. Or, better yet, make all three!

Simple Shallot Tartine

First up, let’s talk about that Simple Shallot Tartine. This recipe is the classic, and would be my recommendation if you can’t decide which direction to go. The only addition to the actual mashed chickpea salad here is the addition of some diced shallot. Although so simple, the little bite and crunch that the shallot brings to the dish really takes everything over the top. With a base of toasty sourdough, a layer of baby watercress, and that perfectly seasoned mashed chickpea salad, you’ve got yourself an amazing tartan. Better yet? Drizzle the whole thing with a good, full bodied olive oil. This brings in a little moisture to the dish, and really brings everything together. Don’t skip it!

With a delicious base of mashed chickpeas, fresh herbs, and all the flavors, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways take your traditional toast above and beyond!

Greek Goddess Tartine

The second variety of these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines is the Greek Goddess Tartine. This recipe takes all your good Greek salad flavors and textures to this mashed chickpea salad. The mix-ins are simple: some crumbled feta cheese and red onion. Feta is always necessary in any Greek themed dish, in my opinion. In this variety, you can leave the parmesan cheese out of the original base, if you would like. But, I personally recommend leaving it in as it brings a different flavor to the actual base of the chickpea salad, as opposed to acting as more of a mix-in, like the feta. That creamy salty feta is perfectly balanced by some crunchy red onion to make the perfect mashed chickpea salad.

Under that salad, your Greek Goddess Tartine starts off with a layer of tzatziki spread over your toasty sourdough. Tzatziki is a classic yogurt based Greek dip. You can make my homemade version from this recipe, or opt to buy some at the store. Either way – it’s delicious…so it’s up to you! After a layer of that tzatziki, it’s time to add a layer of sliced Persian cucumbers. Persian cucumbers are the mini cucumber you find in a pack of five or six, usually. This Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways recipe calls for the cucumbers to be sliced on an angle. This way, the cucumbers can layer up on your toast easily without being too thick. So, after adding a whopping layer of your chickpea salad over top, you get that perfect crunch from the cukes and smoothness from the tzatziki. Overall, it’s freakin ‘ delicious. Try it out!!

Avocado Arugula Tartine

Lastly, let’s go over the Avocado Arugula Tartine. Avocado toast lovers, this one’s for you! Although there’s an addition of some scallions for a little crunch and subtle bite, the true star of this tartine is the avocado base. By mashing the avocados with some lemon, salt, and pepper, you get a simple, yet delectable avocado mash — just perfect for layering on top of some toasty sourdough. Then, with some freshness from the arugula and a large scoop of that chickpea salad, you’re golden!

how to serve these up…

All in all, you really can’t go wrong with any of the varieties of the Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways. Filled with all the good proteins, lipids, and carbs, these tartines are a healthy option for a quick weekday lunch. Plus, the mashed chickpea salad is the perfect make ahead option for meal prep throughout the week. You could even throw your chickpea salad into a pita, in between two pieces of bread, or over some greens to mix up your lunches throughout the week. Personally, though, I often find myself eating this stuff straight out of the container — it’s that good.

Better yet, make these for your friends for a brunch or luncheon. Although so easy, these tartines can truly be works of art, and are sure to impress any guests. Plus, they’re a nice mix up from the classic chicken or tuna salad (especially for any vegetarian or vegan friends!!). You could even serve these up as an appetizer on smaller crostini — or even as a dip! Clearly, the possibilities are endless!

Really, though, however you serve them up, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways are sure to be a hit. I hope you love them as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments below:)

Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways

Recipe by Annie PatrickCourse: Main Course, Lunch, Brunch, HandheldDifficulty: Easy


Total time



With a delicious base of mashed chickpeas, fresh herbs, and all the flavors, these Lemon Herb Chickpea Salad Tartines Three Ways take your traditional toast above and beyond!


  • the base:
  • 2 15 oz cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained

  • ¼ cup fresh basil, sliced

  • ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped

  • 1 large lemon, juiced

  • 2 tbsp parmesan cheese, grated*

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • Red pepper flakes, to taste

  • 2 tsp dijon mustard

  • 1-2 tbsp tahini, optional*

  • ¼ cup olive oil, divided

  • 4 slices sourdough bread

  • simple shallot:
  • 1 large shallot, diced

  • 1 cup baby watercress (or alfalfa sprouts)

  • olive oil, to serve*

  • greek goddess:
  • ⅓ cup feta cheese, crumbled

  • ½ a small red onion, diced

  • ½ cup tzatziki (store bought or homemade)

  • 3 persian cucumbers, sliced on an angle

  • avocado arugula:
  • 3 scallions, sliced

  • 2 avocados, mashed

  • ½ a lemon, juiced

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 cup baby arugula


  • The base:
  • In a large bowl, roughly mash the chickpeas with the back of a fork, leaving them somewhat chunky. Stir in the basil, parsley, lemon juice, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, the dijon, the tahini (if using), and 2 of the tbsp of olive oil.
  • Heat the remaining 2 tbsp olive oil in a hot skillet over medium high heat. Once hot, add your sourdough to the pan and toast for about 2 minutes on each side.
  • For the Simple Shallot:
  • Mix the diced shallot into your chickpea salad. Layer some watercress on each piece of toast, and top with a healthy amount of the chickpea salad. Drizzle with a full bodied olive oil, if desired.
  • For the Greek Goddess:
  • Mix the crumbled feta and red onion into your chickpea salad. Spread your toast with some tzatziki, then layer on your cucumber slices. Top with a healthy amount of the chickpea salad.
  • For the Avocado Arugula:**
  • Mix the scallions into your chickpea salad. In a small bowl, mashed the avocados with the lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Spread the avocado mixture onto each piece of toast. Layer on a handful of baby arugula, then top with a healthy amount of the chickpea salad.


  • To make this vegan, you could substitute the parmesan cheese for nutritional yeast
On Annie's Menu
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