
Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers

Juicy pulled chicken folded in with warming spices, sweet potato, and tahini topped off with avocado and pickled onions: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are an all time fav!!

Juicy pulled chicken folded in with warming spices, sweet potato, and tahini topped off with avocado and pickled onions: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are an all time fav!!

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Ok, so, picture this: you’re in your kitchen the day before leaving for a trip, and realize you have a shit ton of food you’re about to throw out. Think shredded chicken, the innards of your sweet potatoes (maybe from my Mexican Cheddar Stuffed Sweet Potato Skins???), and some avocados that are bound to get mushy real quick. Well, maybe you haven’t been in this exact scenario, but you’ve definitely been in a similar situation in one way or another. And, as if you didn’t see this coming, this was my case this past Thursday, so I decided to get crafty. Using only ingredients from my fridge, I whipped up truly the best Mediterranean inspired patties I’ve ever tasted. I mean, with creamy baked and shredded sweet potato, juicy shredded chicken, a bitter tahini, and tons of warming spices: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers seriously blew me away. You have to give them a try!!

Juicy pulled chicken folded in with warming spices, sweet potato, and tahini topped off with avocado and pickled onions: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are an all time fav!!

the breakdown…

These Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are seriously so simple — especially if you already have shredded chicken and sweet potatoes prepped. I love to prep shredded chicken throughout the week sometimes, just because it’s so easy to throw into just about any meal for some added protein. But, if you don’t have any on hand, go ahead and check out the notes to see how I like to make mine; or just get a rotisserie chicken,.. you do you.

With that all squared away, it’s time to get started on those sweet potatoes. Now, I would usually advocate for baking your potatoes instead of microwaving. But, given that you’re simply using the potato as a mix in for your burger patties, I think the microwave is fair game — especially since it can cook up your sweet potato in 5 minutes, as opposed to 45. Once it’s completely cooked through and cooled a bit (for the sake of your hands), scoop out the insides and throw them right into your bowl! 

the method…

I use my stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment for this Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers recipe. I just think that this paddle gives the sweet potatoes the best texture: thick enough pieces that they aren’t completely shredded, but not too clumpy that there are big chunks in your patties. That being said, if you don’t have one, a hand mixer would also work, just would lead to a different overall texture.

After a quick “thick-shred” of the sweet potato innards, it’s time to toss in the rest of the good stuff. First and foremost, go in with some almond flour to bind everything up. You could also use regular flour or even breadcrumbs, but you’ll miss out on the good nutty flavor and perfectly grainy texture of the almond flour. Plus, it’s gluten free! So pretty healthy, if you ask me.

With that almond flour, toss in all of the seasonings. I use salt, garlic powder, paprika, oregano, cumin, and coriander. These are pretty generic Middle Eastern spices, and bring a nice warming touch to the patties. I love Lebanese and Greek style sweet potatoes, so that’s the flavor I tried to mimic here. Honestly, don’t skimp on the seasonings… they bring so much to these patties.

all about tahini!!

For some more flavor, though, you’ve also got to stir in some tahini. Although I just use 1 heaping tbsp here, the tahini really does play a big role. With its pungent, bitter flavor from the ground up sesame seeds, and it’s smooth binding abilities, you don’t want to skip the tahini. It’s seriously so good. I love tahini, but I know some people don’t. So, if you wanted to, you could substitute the tahini for hummus, but that would bring in a milder flavor.

Your last binding ingredient is the egg. The egg is pretty essential to keeping these patties together, but there’s not much more to it than that. So, after that’s completely combined, go ahead and toss in your shredded chicken. I like to make sure my chicken is very well shredded, as opposed to having big chunks. This helps the patties stay together better when cooking.

Speaking of cooking, it’s time to get those patties on the cast iron!! Roll your patties in some sesame seeds for crunch, then heat up some oil in a really hot skillet. Once your oil is heated, throw a few of the burgers into the skillet and cover it with a lid. The hot oil allows for the outside of the burgers to get the perfect char, while the lid acts as a convection oven — ensuring that the inside egg-y part of the patties are cooked through. You’ll know they’re cooked through when the patties start to hold their shape well. They’ll firm up a bit more after cooking, but they should be easily picked up by a spatula. All that said, you should note that they’ll never be as firm as a meat patty — think more of a falafel-like consistency. 

Juicy pulled chicken folded in with warming spices, sweet potato, and tahini topped off with avocado and pickled onions: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are an all time fav!!

keep them small!!

Oh, and, pro tip? Don’t make your patties too big. Even if they are nice and crisp and cooked through, these patties are much easier to handle if they aren’t too big. You def don’t want a crumbly mess!! Repeat the process a few times instead of overcrowding a pan and you’re golden… You’ve got yourself some delicious patties!!

With those patties good to go, it’s time to assemble your Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers. The patties are really the only “cooking” part of this dish, as opposed to cooking prepping a whole different sauce or topping. Still, this recipe calls for a few of my favorite Middle Eastern style toppings. For starters, you’ve got to go in with some condiments. I use mashed avocado, as I think it pairs best with the sweet potato and chicken. You could also use your favorite hummus, baba ganoush, pesto, or even Dijon mustard. All of these would be delicious — so go with what you love! Definitely don’t skimp on the sauce, though!

So, after you pick your dip of choice, it’s time to decide what bread to spread that on. This recipe calls for a toasted sesame bun, as I think that pairs wonderfully with the sesame from the patty and tahini. Plus, these buns are usually a bit sturdier than your average potato bun, which is a nice contrast in this dish. You could also go with a butter lettuce wrap, some naan, or even a pita pocket. All would be delicious options, so you do you!

bring on the toppings…

My favorite toppings for these burgers are actually the sweet pickled onions and the shredded romaine. Everyone knows sweet pickled onions are amazing, especially if you get them store bought. But, you might be wondering, “what’s so great about shredded lettuce?” Strictly speaking, nothing. However, when you buy pre shredded lettuce that’s super crispy and uniform, it almost acts as a subtle slaw that provides the perfect crunch for these burgers. Definitely don’t skip the crunch— it’s the best! You could also mix in some feta cheese into the lettuce, or even make a feta lettuce slaw of sorts, like in these Greek Chicken and Cauliflower Naan Wraps with Homemade Slaw. Really, though, as long as you have the crunch, you can’t go wrong.

These Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are seriously perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re cleaning out the fridge like me, making these for meal prep throughout the week, or serving them up for a family dinner, these burgers will always be a hit. Plus, they’re super customizable, so everyone can be happy with their burger. 

I hope you love these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments below:))

Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers

Recipe by Annie PatrickCourse: Main Course, Handheld, Lunch, DinnerCuisine: Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Juicy pulled chicken folded in with warming spices, sweet potato, and tahini topped off with avocado and pickled onions: these Sweet Potato Pulled Chicken Tahini Burgers are an all time fav!!


  • 2 large sweet potatoes

  • ½ cup almond flour

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • ½ tsp ground oregano

  • ½ tsp ground cumin

  • ½ tsp ground coriander

  • 1 tbsp tahini

  • 1 egg

  • 2 cups shredded chicken*

  • ½ cup sesame seeds, to coat

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 avocados, mashed (can sub hummus, baba ganoush, pesto, or Dijon mustard)*

  • Sweet pickled red onions, as desired

  • Shredded romaine, as desired*

  • 8 sesame buns, toasted


  • Wash and pat dry your sweet potatoes. Pierce each with a fork 3-4 times, then place on a microwave safe plate. Microwave for 5-6 minutes, or until cooked through and tender. (Alternatively, you could bake your sweet potato in the oven at 425 for 40-50 minutes.)
  • Once cooked, scoop out the insides of the potatoes and place in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment (you could also use a handheld mixer and a large bowl). Starting out on a low speed, mix the sweet potato until it is broken up into small shreds. Then, mix in the almond flour, spices, tahini, and egg. Once everything is completely combined, mix in the pulled chicken and turn off the mixer.
  • Using your hands, form 7-8 small patties out of the chicken sweet potato mixture. Coat each patty with sesame seeds.
  • In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Once hot, add your patties to the skillet, cover the skillet with a lid, and sear for 3-4 minutes on each side. You will probably have to do this in two batches, depending on the size of your skillet.
  • To assemble your burgers, add a layer of mashed avocado to the bottom of each bun, then layer on your patty, some shredded lettuce, and some pickled red onions. Serve and enjoy!


  • To make easy shredded chicken, start by heating a heavy bottomed pan over high heat on the stove. Add about 1 tbsp of olive oil, then sear the chicken on both sides for about 1 minute. Add enough broth or water to cover the chicken, bring the liquids to a boil, cover with a lid, and simmer until the chicken is cooked through and tender. Then, shred with two forks or a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Alternatively, you could use a rotisserie chicken for this recipe.
  • I like to buy my romaine pre-shredded as I think it has the best texture for a burger. 
  • Instead of mashed avocado, you could also use dijon mustard, baba ganoush, pesto, or hummus as a condiment. Definitely don’t leave out the condiments entirely, though!
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