
Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas

Decadent, perfectly sweet, and extremely moist: Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas truly trumps ALL other banana breads out there.

The decadent, perfectly sweet, and extremely moist banana bread that trumps ALL other banana breads out there.. (I know, bold statement). Made with a mix of browned and softened butters, this loaf, Dops’ Brown Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas. is the perfect balance of moist and fluffy. Top each slice with the caramelized banana topping, and it’s truly a match made in heaven.

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When I first decided to create On Annie’s Menu, I immediately thought of this recipe. Like, for real, I just randomly decided to write down this recipe one day and it sparked this whole blog!!  In fact, it was the first recipe I ever memorized, probably because my grandfather, “Dops,” demands it every time I see him. That means I make this recipe roughly four times a Summer, once in the Spring, once in the Fall, and when he comes to visit at Christmas (plus a few more here and there for myself, ya know). When I asked him if he wanted me to try out a new loaf, he wouldn’t let me! And, let me tell you, Dops is the absolute king of quick breads. He’s tried more banana bread than probably any other person I know. So, if that doesn’t testify to the amazingness that is this recipe, I don’t know what does. Needless to say, it seemed only fitting to name this iconic recipe after him!

The breakdown…

Dops’ Brown Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas starts off with the dry ingredients. Mastering the dry ingredients of a banana bread can be tricky. You want the loaf to be nice and moist, yet you don’t want it so soggy that it collapses in the middle. After trial and error, I found that the combination of 1 ⅓ cups flour and 1 ½ tsp baking soda does the trick. Oh, and of course some salt and cinnamon for flavor!!

Once you’ve got those dry ingredients all good to go, it’s time to make that browned butter. Browned butter is truly one of the best things in the world. Slightly nutty, toasty, and incredibly flavorful: it will truly make your house smell amazing. However, brown butter can burn easily, so make sure you follow the recipe to a t and don’t burn it!! Stirring a lot helps, too. 

Decadent, perfectly sweet, and extremely moist: Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas truly trumps ALL other banana breads out there.

double the butter!

With a combination of browned butter and softened butter, your bread has a nice balance between stability and amazing moisture. Truly the best combo. Whisk that butter up with two sugars and you’ve got yourself a good base. White sugar is best for flavor, yet a little brown sugar brings in some molasses flavor. A bit of an extra step, but so good.

To those wet ingredients, you’ve got to add in some honey and bananas for more sweetness. The browner, riper your bananas are to begin with, the better your overall product will be. I usually wait until my bananas are super ripe. But you can also just poke a few holes into a banana and put them on a sheet pan in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. They will be super brown and ready to go… Oh, and make sure you let them cool first before adding them to your batter!! 

Lastly, you’ve got to add some vanilla and almond extract for flavor, greek yogurt for moisture, and eggs to bind everything together. I keep the almond extract as an optional ingredient in this recipe, just because it’s not worth buying for one recipe. That being said, if you have it on hand, it’s definitely worth adding into the mix. It gives the bread the perfect little zing of nuttiness that is truly unmatched. After folding the dry ingredients into all that goodness, voila! You’ve got yourself an easy batter ready to be thrown into the oven!

Decadent, perfectly sweet, and extremely moist: Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas truly trumps ALL other banana breads out there.

those caramelized onions…

After sending your loaf to the oven, it’s time to get working on those caramelized bananas. Although this step is technically optional, as the bread is delicious as is, caramelized bananas are truly one of the best bites on earth… no joke. With just a tad of melted butter, a dash of salt, and a drizzle of honey, nothing beats a warm, gooey banana… that is, nothing beats a caramelized banana layered on top of a thick, warm slice of banana bread. Absolute heaven.

how to serve it up…

Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas is absolutely perfect for any occasion. I bring it to pretty much any event, gathering, family as a welcome gift of sorts. Oh, and it definitely makes for the best “feel better” gift. This bread is also delicious to whip up for a weekly breakfast for the family. Or even as an addition to a fancy brunch with friends and family. I love to add this to my Christmas spread with a dish like my Leek, Caramelized Shallot, and Pancetta Frittata. But, really, any eggs, pastries, or desserts would accompany this well. You could even add chocolate chips, a crumble topping, some walnuts or pecans, or a peanut butter drizzle to the mix… seriously, go with what you love! You can’t go wrong with this recipe… It’s a staple in my house for a reason!!

I hope you love Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas as much as I do! Let me know what you think in the comments below:)

Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas

Recipe by Annie PatrickCourse: Breakfast, Brunch, DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


thick slices
Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Decadent, perfectly sweet, and extremely moist: Dops’ Browned Butter Banana Bread with Caramelized Bananas truly trumps ALL other banana breads out there.


  • bread:
  • 1 ⅓ cup all purpose flour*

  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder

  • 1 ½ tsp salt

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, cubed

  • ½ cup sugar

  • 1 tbsp brown sugar

  • ⅓ cup honey

  • ½ cup greek yogurt*

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • ½ tsp almond extract*

  • 3 overripe (brown) bananas, mashed

  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten

  • caramelized banana topping:
  • 2 ripe bananas

  • 1 tbsp butter

  • 1 tbsp honey

  • A pinch of sea salt


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x3x3 loaf pan and line with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
  • In a medium skillet, brown half of the butter (4 tbsp): Place the cubed butter on the stove over medium-high heat until it is about half-way melted. Turn the heat down to medium-low and let the butter brown. Stir often to make sure it does not burn. It is done when the butter has visible light brown specks, but has not yet turned black.
  • In a large bowl, whisk the browned butter, the 4 tbsp of the softened butter, the granulated sugar, and the brown sugar. Whisk in the honey, greek yogurt, vanilla extract, almond extract, mashed bananas, and beaten eggs. With a rubber spatula, fold in the dry ingredients.
  • Pour the batter into the lined pan and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. You may need to cover the loaf with aluminum foil for the last few minutes to ensure it doesn’t get too brown on top.
  • To make the caramelized bananas: melt butter in a medium saucepan and add coined bananas. Flip once one side of the banana coins is lightly golden. Drizzle honey and sea salt over the coins, and gently mix. The bananas are done when they no longer hold their coin shape, and are caramelized completely.
  • Serve a thick slice of banana bread warm with a spoonful of the caramelized bananas. Enjoy!


  • I like to lightly scoop my flour in all recipes. Don’t pack it in there, but also don’t bother with spooning and leveling it into the measuring cup.
  • You can leave out the almond extract, but it truly adds great flavor so I don’t recommend it.
  • I have tried this recipe with regular yogurt, vanilla yogurt, vanilla greek yogurt, and greek yogurt with different fat percentages. Full fat greek yogurt works best as it is super thick and you can add as much vanilla as you would like. That being said, other yogurts will work, too, just leave out the vanilla extract if using yogurt with vanilla.
On Annie's Menu
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